


Hello, I'm Jillian!

Wordsmith | Grammarian | Strategist

At your service!

Modern Scribble Oblong

About Jillian Bachhal

By day, I work for a tech consulting firm as a content writer/strategist, creating polished and engaging assets for big tech. My recent projects include: the creation and implementation of content strategies, the development of e-learning curriculum, writing and editing educational content across various sectors, crafting digital marketing copy, and scriptwriting. Top-notch client care on a tight timeline is my speciality!

By night, I surround myself with the written word: you can find me reading (anything, but lately I'm escaping into a fantasy world), scribbling notes when inspiration strikes (and adding to my ever-growing love letter to the quotations I find that make my heart beat a little harder), and weaving scenes out of words (poems for when you need to scream if the pain hits, or weep when your soul knits back together).


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Elegant Premium Bird Logo

Fayetteville State University

Summa Cum Laude

Bachelor of Arts, Intelligence Studies


Quill Silhouette

Affirma Consulting

Content Writer II


Educational Book Collection


Writer, Editor, Tutor



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Person Writing on White Paper

Content creation

If you need help writing something fresh and new, but you have ideas or brand standards to share.

Pictures of Brand Strategy and Design

Content strategy

If you're looking for a bit more guidance on content, planning and roadmaps, or brand strategy.

Woman Writing on Notebook

Edit and polish

If you have content that needs developmental, structural, substantive, or comprehensive editing, and copyediting or proofreading.

***Custom Packages Available:

Wondering if I can help with something that doesn't fit neatly into one of these boxes? Let's talk!

What I care about

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Making you happy

Do you have a tight budget and an even tighter timeline? Do you know what you want, or even what you don't want, but you're not sure how to get there?

That's where I come in. Through a collaborative, consultative process, we'll work together to manage and create your perfect project.

Content accessibility

So, you had a vision and watched it come to life. Now, you want to spread your message to as many people as possible. How does that work?

Let me help you make your content accessible to a wider audience so that you can grow your reach. I'll help you write, edit, and share your words with the world.

The Oxford comma

Just kidding (kind of)! I do love the Oxford comma, but I understand that your brand standards may not be on the same page. What happens then?

Fortunately, I care most about, well, you! I adapt to any style of writing you need, and if you have them, I'll leverage your internal guidelines for our finished product.

What do I write?

A sampling of what I do every day:

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E Learning Icon

e-learning modules/curriculum

Smartphone E-Book School Education Learning Flat Style


Lined Simple Book and Pen

long-form editorial content

Laptop Magnifying Glass Research Fill Style Icon

research summaries/competitor analyses

Website page

product descriptions/website copy

online marketing

pitch decks/marketing copy

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brand standards/guidelines

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blog posts/articles

Social Media Messages Icon

short-form social media content

Words are powerful. Are you ready to tell your story, together?

Modern Scribble Oblong

Reach out anytime to harness the power of the written word.

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